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The Illusions Index is a fully searchable curated collection of illusions. Browse the illusions below to find out more.

You can also search by one or more pre-defined tags, which allow you to compare and contrast different types of illusions.

Young Woman or Old Woman

Hermann Grid

Adelson's Checker-Shadow Illusion

Negative Afterimages

Troxler Effect

Necker Cube

Waterfall Illusion

Kanizsa Triangle

Rubin's Vase



Grey strawberries

Impossible Trident

Impossible Triangle

Ebbinghaus Illusion

McGurk Effect

Skipping Pylon

Ponzo Illusion

My Husband or My Father-in-Law

Impossible Cube

All Is Vanity

Penrose Stairs

Coffer Illusion

Rotating Snakes

Shepard Scale Illusions

Schroeder's Stairs

Vertical-Horizontal Illusion

McCollough Effect

Café Wall Illusion

Zöllner Illusion

Sound-Induced Flash Illusion

Poggendorff Illusion

Aristotle's Illusion

Binaural Beats

Leaning Tower Illusion

Scintillating Grid

Hering Illusion

Positive Afterimages

Neon Color Spreading

The Colour Dove Illusion


Ambiguous Ring

Swimming Pool in the High Street

Risset Rhythm

Ehrenstein Figure

Disappearing Bust of Voltaire

The Crevasse

Watercolour illusion

Tactile Aftereffect

Wundt Illusion

Flash-lag Illusion

Bistable Auditory Stimulus

Pointing Triangle

Orbison Illusion

Waterfall Street Painting

Chicken-Church Ambiguous Figure

Book-Cleavage Ambiguous Figure

Impossible Corners

Sawtooth Ambiguous Figure

Herald Square Celebration

The Centre for the Study of Perceptual Experience (CSPE) facilitates analytical philosophical and empirical research into the nature of perceptual experience.

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